Thursday, 29 March 2012

C-Square Grill Sandwich

Taking brown bread as base, I started preparing sandwich with different varieties of stuffing in between, here is the primary one that I prepared. I used Capsicum and Carrot as main stuff items, so the name C-square grill sandwich.

Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 15mins
Number of sandwiches: 4

8 brown Bread slices
1 cup grated Carrot
1 cup finely chopped Capsicum
½ cup Tomato Sauce
½ cup finely chopped Coriander leaves
100gms salt Butter
1 tsp Salt
2 Green chillies

1.     Grind green chillies, coriander leaves and salt into fine paste and keep aside as green chutney.
2.     Take a bread slice apply butter first, later thin layer of green chutney, then stuff with carrot and capsicum evenly over the slice.
3.     Now take another bread slice apply butter first then tomato sauce, cover this for the first slice.
4.     Apply little butter on top and bottom of the sandwich and keep it in a preheated grill sandwich maker for 5mins.
5.     No need to wait its ready, serve hot and tasty C-Square grill sandwich with tomato sauce.

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