Monday, 20 October 2014

Boondi Ladoo

After preparing khara boondi I got confidence of doing any new recipe with boondi. Even I got a chance too in my daughter’s school they asked parents to send Boondi Ladoo for Deepavali, so I thought why not I can give a try. So here is the recipe below surely you can also do it. I am very happy that I am sending Ladoo’s for my little one which I prepared myself.

250gms Bengal gram flour (Kadale hittu)
350gms Sugar
3 tsp Ghee
1 pinch Cooking Soda
½ tsp Cardamom powder
25gms Cashew (chopped into small pieces)
25gms Dry grapes
10 cloves
Oil for Deep fry


1.     Take a vessel add sugar and water to immerse it. Boil this till it gives you 2 string consistency. Then your sugar syrup will be ready. (Don’t prepare this very much before as your boondi will be frying you can keep this sugar syrup preparation simultaneously).
2.     Fry cashew, dry grapes and cloves in a tsp of ghee and keep aside.
3.     Take a bowl, sieve Bengal gram flour with cooking soda then add 2 tsp of ghee, required amount of water, consistency should be quite thin compare to idly batter.
4.     Heat oil for deep fry, take the boondi ladle hold higher on the hot oil, pour the boondi batter in the ladle slowly, so the batter freely fall into oil as droplets. (if the boondi came with tails then your batter is thick slightly add little water and try again, if the batter becomes very thin then your boondi will become flat, so as per this adjust the consistency)
5.     Fry the boondi till it cooks, not to fry more as it turns crisp.
6.     Take them out into a big bowl, repeat the same for rest of the batter.
7.     Now into the same bowl add fried cashew dry grapes cardamom powder and cloves then add the sugar syrup and mix well by pressing the boondi by your palm.
8.     The mixture will be hot, make your palms wet, take a lump of mixture in your palm and press them and make as a ball.
9.     Repeat the same for rest of the boondi.
10.  Tasty Boondi Ladoo’s are ready to bite.